Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Wild Oglalas!

I was just a young boy when Sponge Bob didn’t have square pants.
In my time it was pretty tough, I was raised by my gram and that’s when
I was taught the real Lakota way of life. That’s when all the young one’s would get beat with a cherry tree branch. I remember one time, all the crazy ones out of the bunch went out all night playing cowboys and Indians, but the only thing is nobody wanted to be the cowboy so we just made up up our own tribe and played Indian against Indian.
When I got home, my gram would tell me to go pick out a stick, so I did, but little did I know that …that was the stick that I would get beat with.
I don’t hate my gram for doing that, after all these years. I look as a lesson now days you can’t even say anything to your child and if you do it’s child abuse.
These are the things why our world is going upside down, nobody has any respect for life. The way I look at it is, it’s all about money nobody cares about any body.
Maybe that’s just me, but when you live on the reservation most of your life you can relate.
If not, well it’s had to explain, if you have family that’s involved in the tribal council, then you can get a job easily but if not its hard to find a job, that’s were depression set in but its nothing to cry about because it’s been going on for years… cesni’o wild Oglalas will live no matter what they put in our face, we will live.
I was born and raised on the Pine Ridge Indian agency since 1971 and I love my people. We went though it all…Greasy Grass, Wounded Knee, World War 1, World War 2, Viet Nam, Saudi Arabia, Iraq… much love to all those warriors that went and fought for a country that keeps the natives in poverty, just remember who took the flag at Little Big Horn.

The Black Hills are not for sale!
Because, I am a wild Oglala!


Dana Dane said...

talk more shit baby...you know i love it!

Missy A said...

no one wanted to be cowboys ..
I love that!!
You write well Bruce keep it up

Oh you know Bruce is also my sons name

josie2shoes said...

This was a great read - really interesting! Nice to hear something from the male perspective. Sure hoping you'll write more!

Gina said...

Good stuff here!

Hey...Is there a United Indian Fund? What about an NAAI? (National Association for American Indians).What about college fund specifically for Reservation kids? In this day and age there ought to be NO good reason why kids wouldn't have the same opportunities as any other American, right?

Anonymous said...

Kick ass Bruce!! WIlD OGLALAS!!

Alissa said...

That was a nice post to introduce your self to the blogging community. I hope to see more. You should stay away from me though, because I'm bad news. Just ask your wife...

I heart Dana!